About me

My paintings are the result of my multidisciplinary educational background in art, design and social science studies, as well as my inspiration from Nature, music, traveling and everything related to Art.

Reality is a mistery that I try to understand and attempt to embody and materialize as I apprehend it. I try to recreate it in my work as a sensitive and beautiful world that it evokes. Painting has always helped and accompanied me. It has been a vital support in the way I see life.

Rosa Galindo

The visible dashing brush strokes and vigorously applied pigments are visible signs of Rosa Galindo’s working process: some quintessential qualities of the Action Painting style.

Rosa Galindo’s paintings allegorically echo our own presence as individuals within an imaginably staggering world. Her work reflects a philosophical idea related to understanding the place of humanity within the universe.


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I came across a fallen tree
All the flowers that you planted, mama
in the backyard

As time passes
Old & new
Painting backwards gives wings to my intuition
Silent dialogues
Sometimes is better to be silent
Watch the way kids enjoy
Searching for a healing stillness

 ‘TRAZAS’ , my last solo exhibition 
c.Trafalgar, 70
May 22 - June 23
El arte no es lo que ves, sino lo que haces que otros vean
Aun estás a tiempo de pasarte a ver TRAZAS!